Just because you are at home, doesn’t mean there aren’t still places to explore, things to do, sports to enjoy, and good food to eat. Here is your At Home Warriors guide for of 5.15 – 5.21 in and around Columbus including carry-out, delivery and patio dining options from your favorite Arena District and Grandview Yard restaurants.
- Patio’s NOW OPEN in Grandview Yard: Brekkie Shack, Hofbräuhaus, Jason’s Deli, Panera Bread, and Winans Chocolates + Coffees + Wine
- CONTEST: Take a satisfied selfie at one of the above restaurants enjoying the patio’s reopening and tag @ArenaDistrict or @GrandviewYard for a chance to win a $25 gift card to one of the above restaurants of your choice. ENTER ARENA DISTRICT CONTEST HERE. ENTER GRANDVIEW YARD CONTEST HERE.
- Stay Positive: As some of us are looking toward going back to work and the economy is starting to reopen, some of us are still dealing with stress, anxiety and continued work from home set-ups. This FREE Beyond Breath, online intro to happiness will teach you the power of your breath and meditation to relieve stress, ease anxiety and boost your immune system. Register HERE.